Launched in 2010 during the Olympic Games in Vancouver, Kitsilano Resident Mass Abedi produced the weekly infotainment show Ahorn TV for AbcoFilmCorp. The program aired on OMNI Television and Rogers Broadcasting across various Canadian cities, including Toronto, Kitchener, Calgary, Edmonton, and Vancouver. Ahorn TV developed a unique niche as a German-Canadian television show that celebrated the vibrant intersection of German and Canadian cultures while operating in both English and German.

Through Ahorn TV, Mass Abedi showcased stories from a variety of fields, including arts and culture, economics, tourism, and green technologies. His mission was to connect people and promote intercultural understanding between Germany and Canada by sharing inspiring stories of individuals, events, and entrepreneurs. The program served as a valuable resource for anyone interested in German culture, language, and the broader Canadian experience.

Born in Hamburg, Mass Abedi's expertise in media and passion for storytelling were evident throughout the show. With a strong background in communications, management, and project leadership, as detailed in his LinkedIn profile, Mass effectively combined his skills to create an impactful platform. By highlighting various topics—from local artists to successful entrepreneurs—Ahorn TV promoted networking and cooperation between Germans and Canadians, fostering a greater mutual understanding.

Ahorn TV wasn’t the only international initiative in the Canadian landscape; Tulip TV offered a similar service, focusing on Dutch culture. Together, both shows enriched the tapestry of multicultural television in Canada, with their head office located in our very own Kitsilano neighborhood.

Although Ahorn TV can now be found in archives on YouTube, its legacy continues as a testament to the power of storytelling in bridging cultural divides and enhancing the appreciation of diverse traditions. Through his work, now-retired Mass Abedi not only celebrated his German heritage but also brought German and Canadian communities closer together.

WBN News - Kitsilano Edition

Elke Porter is the Editor of Westcoast German News Media, connecting you to the rich tapestry of German culture in the Pacific Northwest. Connect with her on LinkedIn.

#Ahorn TV #German Canadian Culture #Mass Abedi #Cultural Connections #Infotainment #Canadian Television #Multicultural Media #WBN News - Kitsilano Edition #Elke Porter

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