Choosing How to Show Up in a Disrupted World

In times of uncertainty and disruption, each of us is faced with a fundamental choice—how we show up. It’s a decision we make every single day, whether we are conscious of it or not. Do we elevate ourselves and those around us, or do we allow fear, division, and negativity to pull us down?

There is a metaphorical line—a threshold that defines the quality of our thoughts, words, and actions. Above the line, we find qualities like responsibility, kindness, courage, and optimism. Below the line, we encounter blame, cynicism, apathy, and fear.

The reality is this: we cannot control the external chaos, but we can control how we engage with it. And in that engagement, we have the power to enrich our human experience and that of others—or to diminish it.

The Line as a Measure of Leadership and Character

Regardless of what’s happening in the economy, politics, or global affairs, we remain in charge of the energy we bring into the world. The line is the measurement of our self-leadership—our ability to consciously choose behaviors that contribute positively to our families, workplaces, and communities.

Above the line, we take ownership of our actions and reactions. We seek solutions, foster connection, and operate with a mindset of possibility.
Below the line, we default to reactionary behavior—blaming, complaining, and allowing circumstances to dictate our mindset.

Signs That You’re Operating Above the Line

  • You own your choices and recognize that you always have agency.
  • You speak and act with kindness and respect, even when facing opposition.
  • You focus on solutions rather than getting stuck in problems.
  • You choose to inspire and uplift rather than criticize and complain.
  • You engage with curiosity and openness, rather than defensiveness.

Signs That You’re Operating Below the Line

  • You often feel like a victim of circumstances or other people’s choices.
  • You engage in blame, negativity, or gossip.
  • You resist change, fearing the unknown rather than embracing possibility.
  • You react emotionally instead of responding thoughtfully.
  • You withdraw, disengage, or contribute to an atmosphere of division.

The Opportunity in Disruption

Disruptions—whether economic shifts, political turmoil, or personal setbacks—have a way of exposing character. They reveal whether we react from fear or lead from intention.

In moments of challenge, those who operate above the line stand out. They are the ones who bring perspective, stability, and innovation when others are overwhelmed. They create momentum and hope when others are frozen by uncertainty.

When we commit to staying above the line, we give those around us permission to do the same. Our energy is contagious—whether it uplifts or diminishes. Imagine what would change if more of us chose to show up above the line, consistently.

Your Call to Action: Make the Choice

As you move through your day today, ask yourself:
✔️ Am I responding from a place of love and personal responsibility, or am I reacting from fear and frustration?
✔️ Am I contributing to a better conversation, a better workplace, a better world—or am I pulling energy downward?
✔️ How can I lead by example, showing others the power of staying above the line?

None of us are perfect. We all have moments when we slip below the line. The key is to recognize it quickly and realign. Choose the higher road. Choose leadership over reaction. Choose to show up in a way that enriches the human experience for everyone.


To Wrap Up

The world doesn’t need more people arguing over who’s right or wrong. It needs more people choosing to operate above the line—to lead with love, courage, and responsibility. The invitation is open: How will you show up?

Let’s Keep Talking!

Peter Comrie
Co-Founder and Human Capital Specialist at Full Spectrum Leadership Inc.
Reach out to me at

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Tags: #Accountability, #Behaviour Modification, #Personal Growth, #Peter Comrie

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