video games have fostered strong community-driven experiences through online multiplayer and eSports, creating a new wave of social entertainment that films, though influential, typically do not provide...
The lowering of US and Canadian interest rates is poised to drive greater film production activity in Vancouver, reinforcing the city’s position as a leading global production hub. Early Project development indicators are already pointing to a robust year for BC Film to look forward to.
Filmmakers are increasingly turning to unconventional methods to bring their projects to life. Two such methods, crowdfunding platforms and product placement deals, have proven effective...
Filmmakers are increasingly turning to unconventional methods to bring their projects to life. Two such methods, crowdfunding platforms and product placement deals, have proven effective...
video games have fostered strong community-driven experiences through online multiplayer and eSports, creating a new wave of social entertainment that films, though influential, typically do not provide...
The lowering of US and Canadian interest rates is poised to drive greater film production activity in Vancouver, reinforcing the city’s position as a leading global production hub. Early Project development indicators are already pointing to a robust year for BC Film to look forward to.
A 36% PSTC would solidify BC's position as one of the most competitive and desirable filming destinations in North America, driving increased investment and further growth in the local film industry
Hollywood’s traditional filmmaking processes, designed for big-budget productions, often prove ineffective and inefficient when applied to independent films
British Columbia (BC) is one of the top destinations for film production in Canada, thanks in large part to its competitive tax incentives. However, other provinces also offer appealing incentives that draw productions across the country.